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♫ Audio Generated

How It Works!

Clone your Voice in just 3 steps:

What are you waiting for?

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Voice Cloning Frequently Answers and Questions

Have a question? Check out our frequently asked questions to find your answer.

  • What is Instant Voice Cloning?


    Instant Voice Cloning is a service that lets you create a clone of your voice or any audio sample and use it to generate audio in multiple languages.

  • How does Instant Voice Cloning work?


    The process involves three steps: 1. Record or upload an audio sample, 2. Assign a name and description to the cloned voice, and 3. Use the cloned voice to generate audio.

  • What are the best practices for creating a high-quality voice clone?


    For the best results: use a single-speaker audio sample with steady volume, tone, and emotion; keep pauses brief (0.5 seconds recommended); avoid background noise, room echo, and ensure professional recording quality.

  • What are the audio requirements for voice cloning?


    Audio samples should be between 30 and 80 seconds long, in any language, and under 120MB in size.

  • What languages are supported for generating audio with cloned voices?


    You can generate audio in English (en), Chinese (zh), German (de), Japanese (ja), French (fr), Spanish (es), Korean (ko), Arabic (ar), Russian (ru), Dutch (nl), Italian (it), Polish (pl) and Portuguese (pt).

  • Can I use a sample with multiple speakers for cloning?


    No, only single-speaker audio samples are supported for optimal results.

  • Where can I find my cloned voices?


    All your cloned voices can be accessed in the 'Cloned' tab in the left panel of the Voice Studio.

  • Can I name and describe my cloned voices?


    Yes, during the cloning process, you can assign a name and an optional description to each cloned voice.

  • How do I get started with Instant Voice Cloning?


    Visit to sign up or log in. Once inside the app, follow the simple three-step process to create your cloned voice.

  • How can I buy more voice cloning credits?


    You can purchase additional voice cloning credits by visiting

  • What is the recommended environment for recording audio samples?


    For optimal quality, record in a quiet environment with no background noise, minimal room echo, and steady tone and volume.

  • Does the service support text-to-speech using cloned voices?


    Yes, you can use your cloned voices to generate audio from text, allowing for seamless text-to-speech functionality.

Still have a question?

If you still have any question, we are always here to help you.

Please send us your query at or visit our FAQ page.

If you have any specific use case in your mind, we would be happy to listen to yours needs too!